Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Four Wheeler Santa Sleigh Dilemma

For Christmas this year Jay asked Santa for three things: A computer, a go-kart and a four wheeler. Christmas morning instead of a high priced electronic or a death trap four wheeler he found a light sketching table for his car sketching. Santa did his best to explain why he was getting the sketching table instead of a go-kart or four wheeler. He explained that his sleigh simply wasn't sturdy enough to carry a go-kart or four wheeler. He didn't provide an explanation about the computer and Jay never questioned it.
To Jay's credit, he didn't complain about Santa not coming through for him. As New Year's came to an end it was obvious to me his light sketching table was not his favorite gift but he never alluded he was disappointed until about a week ago. Our conversation went something like this:
Jay: "Mom, I don't get it. How is it that Santa can deliver presents to every child in the world but he claimed his sleigh wasn't sturdy enough for a go-kart or four wheeler?"
Me: "Precisely, Jay, he is delivering packages to the entire world. Imagine how a go-kart or four wheeler would weigh his sleigh down."
Ever persistent, Jay continued and this time I could detect a little anger in his voice, "Well I just don't understand how he could use that as an excuse."
Truthfully, I was dumb-founded and I let the conversation end at that. Jay's heart was really into Santa this year. I just hope it didn't crush his "Santa spirit" for next year.

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