Monday, May 17, 2010

2nd grade recap

The year was 1981 and I vividly remember my second grade teacher, Mrs. Sheer. She had a lot of energy and I loved her! Fast forward 29 years later and my son has just finished up his second grade year with another energetic, fresh out of college teacher and what a year it has been. I'm so proud of Jay and what he's accomplished this year. It has been a breath of fresh air to see him enjoy school and feel good about what he's achieved. It's also been an enjoyment for me to witness Jay and his class-mates have good old fashioned fun! Miss Snowden brought that out in all her students. She challenged them but also revealed a fun side to learning that I don't think Jay had recognized before.
Tonight we had a banquet at school and Miss Snowden gave each child an award. These awards were given out based on votes from the other students. Jay got the "Teacher's Pet" award. He laughed about it when Miss Snowden presented it to him but when we got home tonight he told me he thought the "Teacher's Pet" award was way off and that he should have received "The Messiest Student" award. I asked Jay why because he really isn't a messy child. His response was simple, "Hello Mom, no one loves mud more than me!" So true, Jay, so true!
And so it's hard for me to say it, let alone even write it..........another chapter ends and a new one will begin in third grade. Keep working as hard as you are now, Jay, and you will do just fine. I love you even if you are the teacher's pet. Ha!

1 comment:

The Stille's said...

us teacher's love our pets!!!!