Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chocolate chip pancakes, football & a wedding

Jay's new breakfast of choice is chocolate chip pancakes. Nick loves pancakes too but he prefers them plain. Isn't if funny how kids are so aware of what they do and don't like? One morning this week Jay begged me to make him chocolate chip pancakes - on a weekday - I set my alarm nice and early and made the pancakes. I never quite know what kind of reaction I'll get from Jay but when he got up and realized I had made him his chocolate chip pancakes he was thrilled. He thanked me profusely and told me they were delicious so it was well worth getting out of bed early. The funny thing was Nick ate a bite or two and turned up his nose, he said it was too chocolately for him. Next time I'll know to make some of the pancakes plain.

Mike and Jay attended Jay's football game on Saturday, in the RAIN! I hate to miss Jay's games but truth be told, yesterday was the game to miss. Thankfully, Nick was at his grandparent's house so he didn't have to endure the cold and rain. Mike said by the time the game was over, everyone was soaked and freezing cold and to top it off, Jay's team got beat again. Oh well, at least they are having fun. I helped my good friend, Karen (above) with her daughter's wedding yesterday. We had a lot of laughs and it was a fun-filled day. As I'm writing this, I can't believe it's Sunday afternoon - I mean, really, could the weekend have gone any faster? Have a great week everyone. I'll try to blog more this week. We've been really busy with football, school, swim lessons, etc.......

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