Monday, September 13, 2010

Eight years beautiful

My mom use to read me the book, "Alexander and the horrible, no good, very bad day." She would read me these books on days when I had just that, a horrible, no good, very bad day! Tonight was one of those nights that I wish I had the book to read to Jay. He had a hard time with other kids today - and his feelings got hurt. This is SO hard as a parent to watch. I know this is all part of growing up but to see Jay in tears is hard to watch - All this on top of him dealing with his learning disabilities and being pulled out of class everyday. Jay knows he learns differently from other kids but that's just it, he learns differently, it doesn't mean he's stupid but he hasn't quite figured that out yet. He gets down on himself and says he's stupid. If he could see the bright, funny loving, physical boy who brings me, his dad and his brother so much joy everyday. To me he is eight years beautiful and not only does he shine right now but I know the Lord has wonderful things planned for his future. He's extraordinary, he just hasn't quite figured it out yet but when he does, I'll be right there to say, "I told you so."


Christy Kelson said...

Alexander and the horrible no good very bad day is one of my favorite children's books from when I was a child and from working with preschool children. Reading it reminds you that some days are just like that. Hang in there Jay! Tomorrow is another day. :)

The Stille's said...

he brings his aunt joy everyday too!!! He makes me proud and you do too