Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A giraffe......on a bike

As most of you know Nick is crazy about penguins and giraffes. It is true that penguins were his first love but it turned out they weren't his only love. Honestly, I can't think of any two finer animals to be in love with! Since Halloween is right around the corner and since Nick was a penguin last year for Halloween he chose to be a giraffie. When I bought his costume I couldn't resist giving it to him but I knew that once I gave it to him he would want to wear it morning, noon and night and hence by the picture above, even when he bike rides. Last night I took Jay to football practice and apparently while we were gone Nick wore his costume around the house but since it's like 90 degrees out right now he wore it a short time period and decided it was too hot. Mike said the minute I pulled in the drive he tore off into the bedroom to get his costume back on so he would be in "full gear" when Jay and I came in the door and sure enough he was! This morning, instead of getting dressed in his school clothes, he came down to breaksfast in his costume (I did draw the line of him going to school in his costume because he has asked). Thankfully the costume is of a darker color because Nick will have wore it out by the time Oct. 31 comes along.


Christy Kelson said...

Nick, you make an adorable giraffe!!!!!

Steph said...

hehe! So cute!