Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Chili Supper

I was recruited to help with this year's Boy Scout Chili Supper. I was happy to do it but let me tell you, I have a whole new appreciation for the people who run/organize this event every year. This year was a little different because the woman who normally ran the event turned it over to a friend of mine and myself so it was just the two of us this year. We got the day started by running to Sam's to buy all the food. Then we went back to the school, set up 5 roasters in the teacher's lounge and started dumping can after can of diced tomatoes, beans, chili powder, etc. into these 5 roasters. We were running about 1.5 hours behind. I called Mike to touch base with him mid-day through the day and said we were very busy and it was a huge under-taking and he had the gall to say, "What's the big deal, it's a chili supper?" REALLY!! Yeah, a chili supper for hundreds of people.
The day progressed and we somehow got everything done and prepared by 5 p.m.. We were a little nervous about the chili itself as it was a little spicy but we still got lots of compliments on it. By the time I crawled into bed at 9:30 (after being on my feet preparing chili for 13.5 hours) I was exhausted! It was all worth it though. A lot of money was raised and it was a good experience for me to actually see the event un-fold from start to finish.

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