Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I got your back

Jay and Nick are typical brothers - They fight and because they are boys they physically fight. I remember fighting with and picking on my sister BAD (sorry Kim, I love you) when we were kids but we didn't physically attack each other. Boys are a whole new ball game when it comes to sibling rivalry. Jay loves to pick and pick at Nick until he explodes like a volcano! He turns bright red, grunts (like the kind of grunt women give in the last stages of labor, it's lovely hearing it from a 4 year old) and he curls his hands into fists and charges at his brother. Sadly, as angry as he gets, Jay usually defeats Nick within seconds. I've said in my blogs that there is no one meaner to Nick than Jay except when someone else does something to Nick! It's that old saying that you can talk "smack" about your family as much as you want but nobody better do it.
Recently, there was an incident where another child intentionally threw a football directly at Nick and it got him right in the face - Nick cried. This kid's biggest mistake was he didn't realize Nick's much older brother had witnessed the event and he struck back. He took the football and WHAM - Let's just say the kid got a taste of his own medicine. No more tears were shed, the kid was just shocked that Jay had seen what he had done and that was the end of that! So even though Jay LOVES to terrorize his brother, he always has his back - which is the only way brothers should be.

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