Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jay's Box Car

Third grade has brought many changes but one big change is chapter books. My mom bought Jay his first chapter book this summer (Shiloh) and ever since then, there's been no turning back. I've really enjoyed reading subjects that don't pertain to trucks, tractors or nascars. Currently, I am reading Jay the first book in "The Boxcar Children" series and he loves it! I love it when I finish a chapter and he begs me to keep reading. Switching gears though, tonight I got a 31 party delivery so I had a rather large box left over. Jay took the box to his room and said he was going to use it for his gerbils. After I put Jay to bed, I later went in to check on him, without my glasses or contacts mind you, and discovered he was sleeping in a box on his bed! For those of you who haven't had the "pleasure" iof seeing Jay sleep, it's something to see. He still sleeps in the fetal position and is about the most flexible kid I've ever seen. He's like those clowns in the circus who can fit themselves into those small suitcases. That is how he looked in that darn box. When I discovered Jay all folded into the box, he cheerfully announced, "Mom, it's my own boxcar!" I had to point out to him that although I admired his creativity and imagination, he is not an orphan (like the boxcar children) and doesn't need to sleep in a box.
On an unrelated matter, Jay got diagnosed with eczema today. His skin is a mess. I spent $75 on oral meds and ointments for him. And what a growth spurt he's had. When he was last at the doctor's in June he weighed 64 lbs. Today, he weighed 72.5 lbs! Wow! Mike stressed that he'd weigh too much by next football season which means he wouldn't be able to carry the ball - this is just something I never thought I'd see Mike stressed about, considering he didn't know the difference between a football and a baseball until his son started playing football!

1 comment:

The Stille's said...

as a teacher that is a great text to self connection!!!