Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Christmas Program

Since the first of November Nick has been practicing for our Christmas program at church. It has required me to get to church an hour earlier each Sunday and keep a close eye on him, in other words, keep him on task and focused. Jay didn't want to particpate. Christmas programs and music have never been his "thing" and it doesn't help that there are only girls (his own age) and no boys. So, today was the Christmas program and I wish I could say it was all worth it! Mike pointed out that at least Nick did it and he's right, that is all that really matters but when am I going to get it through my thick head that my kids don't really like "performing," especially when it comes to music. Nick usually likes being the center of attention but not today. He didn't sing and once during the performance I caught him playing with his you know what. At one point I had to break out my mad mom face at him because he was frantically beating his slipper (the kids wore their PJ's) into his hand, distracting not only the audience but the other kids. When it came time for Nick to perform his one and only line, he wouldn't do it! Ugh! I'm more of a glass is half full kind of girl, I always try to see the positive so Yes, Nick did get up and perform, pathetic it may have been but regardless I'm sure God was gracious and smiling this morning,, even if Nick's performance was less than to be desired.

I also forgot my camera so I have no pictures to post with this blog. It was a stressful morning.

And Happy Birthday to Mike! The big 3-8!

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