Saturday, April 9, 2011

2011 Fishing derby

Even though Nick is not a Cub Scout yet, he participated in Jay's Fishing Derby anyway. As I was downloading these pictures I realized this was Jay's derby and yet I only got one picture of him. You have to understand Jay thinks he's way too old to have his picture taken when his friends are around but I don't let that stop me, it can just get kind of challenging. The picture above is of Nick getting instruction from his dad for his first fishing expedition - ha.
As you can see, fishing for Nick lasted a whole 10 minutes. After that he jumped in the lake - Yes, it was cold! And then he "laid out" on the beach.
Jay getting ready for the derby. In the past Jay never had the patience to fish for very long but this year was different. He was bound and determined to catch a fish and stuck with it for about an hour but no luck. He didn't get a fish this year. Better luck next year.
In keeping with the "theme" for the day we ended it with Nick's favorite food - LOBSTER! Here he is huddled on the counter watching his dad prepare the lobster. I just laugh that my almost 5 year old absolutely loves lobster - it's truly his favorite food. Mike has to work overtime to afford it but hey, Nick is happy. Hee, Hee.

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