Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

Just the other night we went to an easter egg hunt. The weather cooperated and the boys had a ball. Before the party Jay told me he was too old to hunt for easter eggs but when it comes to a competition - however small it may be - Jay can't resist. He helped his brother find as many eggs as possible which equates to the more eggs Nick found, the more candy Jay could eat.

Our friend who hosted the party had a pink tractor. Nick is laughing b/c he was embarassed I was taking his picture while he was riding a pink tractor.

Jay, of course found the mud and proceeded to play in it!

Nick making cupcakes and proudly displaying it. I'll post more pictures from Easter later this week. I got some cute pictures of all the kids - Jay, Nick, Lauren and Luke. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Cute!! Laughing because Holden would not think twice about the pink tractor or me taking his pic on it. :)