Sunday, April 15, 2012

How life is funny like that

Lately I have felt like I'm drowning as a parent.  The best way I can describe it is like a person lost at sea.  They think they see someone coming to rescue them and they get a burst of energy only to realize it wasn't a rescuer but a shark who has come to make their journey more challenging.  It's just been down right hard lately and just when I think things have calmed down and resolved another issue pops up.  Parenting is an all consuming 24/7 job and I gotta tell really pissed me of the other day when that crazy woman acted like Ann Romney had no voice about finances because she had never worked a day in her life.  Really - what do you call raising 5 sons?  I work a full time job and since I started working out of my home my presence here is more constant and I've realized how important that is, especially as my boys age.  That being said..........I worked in an office for 16 years and made a 35 minute commute one way each and every day and I certainly don't think I was less of a parent or that my kids suffered because of it.  What am I trying to get it?  Can't all of us mothers just get along and realize we are all trying to do the best jobs we can do, whether we work outside the home or not? 
On a funny note.  My boys got covered in head to toe mud today from four wheeling - big surprise.  My mom came out,  laughed and said........did you ever think, Amy?  We had a laugh together and I told her that if you would have told me when I was a senior in high school I would one day live out in the boonies with two boys - covered in head to toe mud on nearly a daily basis - I would have told you, you were crazy.  After all when I was a senior I was sure I'd be a city girl for life and have two little girls to raise.  Now that is how life is funny like that and I am sure glad things worked out the way they did for me.

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