Tuesday, July 31, 2012

31 days of July......are almost over

Instead of a picture today I decided to just blog.  I was pictured out and honestly I didn't have a blog-worthy picture.  The highlight today was of Nick whittling a big stick and I couldn't get Nick to take his eyes off the stick.  We are on the count down to school starting or at least I am.  School starts in 3 weeks.  School supplies are ready, football clearts are purchased and Nick's soccer sign up form has been mailed.  Once we hit mid-August things get busy for us but that's just the way I like it.  The boys aren't in sports during the summer and one of my boys specifically needs some organized, structured activity....gee, guess which boy I'm talking about?  Yes, Jay!  \
July has been a hot month - one of the hottest I can remember.  I'm sure when I get my power bill I'll probably have a stroke.  The boys have spent so much time in the water this summer and have been in their swim trunks 80% of the time which in my opinion is just the way summer should be! 

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