Sunday, March 24, 2013

Bye, Bye Blankie

My friend, Jenna, gave Jay a blanket when he was born.  Jay has loved his blankie every since.  He has slept with it, cuddled with it and it's traveled with us on our family vacations.  When Jay was a toddler he needed it to sleep.  He'd snuggle up with his blankie and I'd find him still snuggled with it the next morning.  His blankie has required some stitching and some TLC through the years but overall  it's held together for all the late night snuggling.  Recently, however, I've noticed blankie on Jay's floor.  I would pick her up everytime and secure her in her rightful place, right on Jay's bed..........hoping it was just a mistake on Jay's part.  Today Jay brought his beloved blankie to Mike and I and told us he no longer needed or wanted his blankie.  I teased Jay and told him he needed to slow things down a bit for his ole mom.  I can handle things but in small doses and a tween boy has no idea what that means in terms of how it relates to his mother.  Just this week he announced to me he has a girlfriend, he has started texting and we are in the process of turning his room into something that fits his tastes and desires - very tween boy and we bought him a desk in which he promptly put a picture of the girl on.  Times are a changing and this mom had better make some changes herself.  I need a lesson in backing off (just a bit) and thankfully I have Mike who has reminded me this is a natural process and we need to give Jay some space.  When he screws up (and he will) we'll be there to help him learn from his mistakes.  All I know is I'm entering new territory and whether or not I'm ready, it's here!  Yikes. 

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