Friday, March 1, 2013

Nick's humor

Nick has this way about him.  About the time you want to strangle him he plays the funny card.  We have a lot of laughs in our house from Nick's humor.  Today is Nick's 1st grade substitute teachers last day.  What's the big deal you ask?  Well this sub has been his teacher the entire year.  She's been with the class since September.  His regular teacher comes back on Monday.  This morning Nick tells me he wants to get Ms. Klaus a braided key chain, "you know mom, like the ones dad makes."  I tell Nick it's a little too late as today is Ms. Klaus' final day.  I suggest I stop at the store and buy her flowers.  Nick gave me two thumbs up, told me it was a great idea and he had one simple request, make sure they were pretty.  I loved that he was so thoughtful towards his teacher.  I bought a big blueish/purple flower and Nick was so proud walking into school today.
The last few weeks Nick has been having an educational assessment done at I.S.U.  We had the same assessment done for Jay when he was in second grade and because we're being told there are perhaps some LD/ADD issues with Nick we thought we had better get the assessment done.  Anyway, Nick learned that next week he'll have to have a speech assessment.  We were driving when I gave him the "good" news.  From the rear view mirror I could see his face crinkle up in a confused way - kind of like when he broke out his mad eyes when he was three.  Family members know exactly what I'm talking about.  Then he boomed, "But my speech is good!"  Sure everything else with Nick may not be going just right but by golly his speech is good! I explained to Nick no one doubts his speech is excellent but having a speech assessment is part of the entire package.  What I didn't say to him was I  think it's a waste of time, however, I have paid good money for the assessment so it's a good idea to have it done.  I just know when I take Nick next week he'll walk up to whoever is assessing him and tell them point blank, "I have good speech, I don't know why I'm here."  You never have to wonder what Nick is thinking

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