Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Six years of nagging

About two weeks ago I came up with a brilliant plan.  It takes so little to make me happy and I noticed my brilliant plan was so easy.  I couldn't believe it took me so long to think of it.  What is this brilliant plan you ask?  A list - a morning list to be more specific.  I was so tired of nagging and repeating the same old stuff every morning........make your bed, brush your teeth, pick up your clothes, pack your back packs.....blah, blah, blah.  I got to thinking it was ridiculous.  Jay was able to dress himself and get ready for his day at about age five.  He's now 11 so for six years (Nick's entire life) I've sounded like a broken record and a raging nag!  I developed a list for each of the boys.  It's a check list of things they need to get done every morning.  It's the same things they've had to do every morning but now there is no nagging.  After the boys eat their breakfast they review their lists and get the tasks done.  When they are completed they have to go through their list and check off the tasks.  I've told them that if they mark a task off and it isn't completed then they owe me a $1 - yikes!  For the two weeks that the lists have been "live" I've only made $2 so the lists are working and I have stopped sounding like a old hag, I mean nag. 

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