Sunday, April 21, 2013

Fishing Derby & other things.......'s been awhile since I've blogged.  We are busy, busy, busy.  I knew April would be super busy but then I've finally realized this season in my life will be busy for the next 15 years.  The boys are 11 and almost 7 and things are HOPPING!  Nick is tutoring at least once a week (after school) with our dear friend, Leslie.  Neither of the boys are involved with sports right now so I thought things would slow down - not so much.  This past week Mike had another clear colonoscopy - Praise the Lord!  We attended a spring fling at school.  And as the school year wraps up we are trying to stay on top of homework and projects.  Next week we have Jay's middle school still my beating heart.  Yesterday we had the fishing derby, hence the pictures above and today Mike and Jay have a class they are attending together.  We are also attending a new church with the Ausili's and it's been a really good fit for us.  It's about a 30 minute drive for us one way but it's worth it.  Mike and I joke we have full time jobs we are trying to maintain on top of two very FULL TIME boys!
Shifting back to Jay.  A few things about him this week.  Mike had to report nice and early for his procedure last Monday so the boys spent the night with his parents.  That night Jay called us and in this little voice he asks, "Mom, how is dad doing?"  I could tell he was worried.  Then the next morning he was up at 4:00 and calling me by 6:45 to check on his dad again.  Meanwhile in the background I could hear Nick yelling....."Hey Mom, has dad had that camera stuck up his butt yet?"  And there folks is the big difference between my two boys.  Then Jay lost his Kindle all week due to some grades he had that were not acceptable.  I so enjoyed him this week.  He crawled in bed with me every night and we watched Downton Abbey together.  By Friday he got his grades back up so he earned his Kindle back but it was nice to see him "unplugged" all week and he still watched Downton Abbey with me last night.  Ha!
As far as the fishing derby goes it was fun and low key this year.  Only eight boys fished.  I love the picture of Mike and Jay.  Nick was off fishing elsewhere so I didn't get him in the pic.......Nick takes his fishing very seriously (notice his boonie/fishing hat he wears).  The Lord sure knew what he was doing when he gave Mike two boys!
This week Mike and I will celebrate our 15 year wedding anniversary.........seriously has it been 15 years already?  I'll say this it's been a good and solid 15 years and I am so very thankful.  Next week we celebrate Nick's 7th birthday!!!  Then we go right into my birthday!  I love April and May.

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