Friday, April 5, 2013

The first "outing"

Well it has happened, Jay requested to go to the movies with a girl!  This Monday he got off the bus with a smile on his face and asked me what we were doing on Friday night. He said he wanted to take K. to the movies.  I wish I could say I was surprised but I wasn't.  I knew this day was coming.  I told Jay I would need to discuss it with his dad and even if we let him go I would insist on being the adult chaperon.  I called K's mom and we agreed on the plans so tonight Mike and I took Jay and K. to the movies  - "The Great & Powerful Oz."  Mike and I sat in a different spot in the theatre, of course (ha).  I was so proud of Jay.  He was a gentleman and just acted like himself and I found K. to be a delightful girl.

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