Monday, July 22, 2013

5 indicators that it might be time for school to start

1.  When I went to use my lap top today it was sticky from popsicles.....we have gone through boxes and boxes of popsicles this summer but the boys have gotten down right lazy in throwing their wrappers away and not dripping them everywhere.
2.  I'm saying "Stay away from each other, don't touch or look at each other" way too often during the day.
3.  The boys are so tan they are starting to look like they belong in another country.
4.  I have banned sleep over and friends coming over to our house the rest of the summer.  Maybe that sounds bad but review my blog posts from May, June and most of July.  If you still have the opinion that I'm unjustified - tough.
5.  I'm officially out of money.........a really good reason for school to start!

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