Saturday, July 13, 2013

Parenting and sundaes for lunch

The boys left yesterday to go R.V(ing) with their grandparents.  They don't come home until tomorrow.  So what are Mike and I doing? NOTHING and it's heaven.  We purposely didn't schedule a thing.  We wanted to do whatever we wanted when we wanted and that's even if we felt like doing anything.  Ha!  Last night Mike went shooting with Ausili so I stayed home, ate junk and watched trash T.V..  Today I hung out at the pool with Jenny and Faith and even took a short siesta in my lounge chair.  People told Mike and I when we had kids that once we had them we would hardly remember our lives before children but to be honest for several years after I had Jay I vividly remembered what our lives were like before we had both boys.    However, now that we are 11 years into parenting our 4 years together after marriage but before we had kids is now a distance memory.  I know I am a better person because of my kids.  I am certainly way less selfish and I appreciate things more - especially the quietness of my house (ha) and I like to think I'm more patient.  Just today I decided that I wanted a carmel sundae for lunch.  I knew it was wrong but darnit the boys weren't with me so I took full advantage of it.  It was a rare treat.  As I sat and savored every bite of my sundae I thought to myself......."If I was never Jay and Nick's mom then I never would be able to truly enjoy this heavenly carmel sundae for lunch!"

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