Wednesday, December 11, 2013

In a matter of 5 minutes

I'm sure every mother will be able to relate to my blog today.  It has to do with the "joy" of getting kids up in the morning, dressed, fed and out the door to school in time.  In our house let's just say some mornings are better than others. 
I follow a normal morning routine and rarely deviate from the routine.  I wake the boys up at 6:45, breakfast is at 7:00.  Yesterday morning didn't quite go as planned.  I woke the boys up and in a matter of 5 minutes (it happened so fast my head was spinning) the dog was barking like a maniac around the house - I seriously thought something was wrong with her.  The boys started in with their "Yo Momma" jokes, gaseous fumes were heard loud and clear (and smelled too) from the cat walk, the arguments began and did I mention the dog was barking?  Somehow and I'm not sure how they made it to breakfast on time - dressed none the less. Jay gobbled his food and was out the door by 7:05 to ride his four wheeler before school and before I knew it I and the neighbors were "blessed" to hear a four wheeler riding around in the snow with Yes, Copper barking right along side Jay.  And all this began in a matter of 5 minutes!!!  

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