Friday, December 6, 2013

Nothing in particular

I have a few cute stories from this week.  The first story involves Jay.  We were in the car when he said, "If I don't get into the NBA then I think I'll be a farmer."  I just loved that comment.  I love his thinking about the NBA and by golly if that doesn't happen then a farmer he will be! 
I like to "play" with my boys but shy away from it because I usually get hurt.  Last night I played basketball with them and Jay forgot we were playing basketball and not football and tackled me.  I lost my balance and literally fell to my knees on the concrete floor (Yes mom you can gasp now).  It hurt and my knees are bruised today.  After I played with Jay I played some bball with Nick and got the basketball right smack in my face.  However, Nick's little mishap was an accident.  Jay's, not so much. 
We've had the flu this week in our house.  The only one still standing is me.  I'm sure my time is coming.  I can never avoid it as much as I try.  Ugh! I hate being sound asleep at night and being awoken by the sounds of my kids throwing up.  It's the worst sound and as parents we've all been there.  At 2:30 this morning Mike and I were high-fiving each other, however, because we realized we've finally crossed over to our kids making it to the toilet in time!  Yippee!  I remember Jay running to our room in the very early morning hours on Christmas Day 2007 and announcing he was going to get sick and proceeded to do so all over our bedroom carpet.  It was awesome!  I have spent a lot of time on my knees cleaning up puke - which is probably why I always get sick after the fact. 
Nick has a project due at school where he has to make an artic habitat.  He's been so creative.  He researched how to make snow on the internet, wrote down the directions and sent me to the drug store with instructions to buy diapers.  Nick cut open the diapers and used the "filling" for snow.  It seriously looks like glistening, fresh snow.  Way to take the initiative, Nick!!! 
Our weekend consists of basketball, basketball and more basketball...........lots of butt time for me - not a good thing, especially in December.

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