Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

It is Christmas day and I'm feeling very blessed.  I spent the day with my mom, my in laws and the Ausili's.  We were all well, the weather was good, we didn't lose power (trust me this is a big deal where I live), our basement didn't flood (yes this happened one year) and everyone was happy and joyous.  What a way to celebrate our Savior's birth.  All these pictures are from Christmas Eve.  We visited Grandpa Brad and spent the day with my mom and sister.  My nephew, Luke, was an absolute hoot this year.  I am still laughing over his cute little personality at age 2.  A pure delight, that boy is.

 My mom with her four precious grandchildren who are growing at such a fast pace!  My mom, sister and I remembered several Christmas's where it was just Jay.
                                       Jay - age 11, Nick - age 7, Lauren - age 6 and Luke - age 2. 
 Nick is following in Mike's footsteps and loving working in the shop.  He's becoming quite the wood worker.  He made me a wood business card holder for my desk and a pencil and pen holder.  I will cherish it always and they will remain on my desk until I retire!
                                              Does this picture even require a comment?

                                               A boy and his dad.  Is there anything better?
                                        New jammies for Christmas eve.  My sweet boys!

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