Wednesday, August 31, 2022

My Stock Tank

Anyone who knows me knows I have hounded Mike for a pool for years.  His answer was always a hard NO!  I must admit his reasons were valid.  He would end up taking care of it and fixing it.  He didn't have much confidence in me cleaning it everyday.  The expense of maintaining it, not to mention the electric bill, were all the reasons Mike thought a pool was a terrible idea. During one of our conversations Mike had a slip up.  He said the only way I was getting a pool was if it were an animal troff.  At the time I blew his comment off but then I went away for a girls trip over Labor Day weekend 2021.  Leave it to my girls to find a loop hole.  My friend had recently bought a stock tank but at the time hadn't gotten it installed.  My interest was peaked.  

I came home from that trip and reminded Mike of his animal troff statement.  I proposed my stock tank idea.  I think Mike thought I wasn't serious but he is a man true to his word.  In April I purchased the tank and all the supplies.  Mike faithfully went and picked up the tank for me.  He dug a trench for the electrical and installed the pump for me.  He even built a deck around the tank and named my flamingos Berta and Jade.  Apparently Mike thinks flamingos are trashy so he made a fake cigarette and stuck it in Berta's mouth.  Only Mike would construct a fake cigarette that hangs from my flamingo chlorine dispenser.  It does provide good entertainment, however.  

This summer wasn't the summer I had envisioned because I've been so consumed with my mom but my stock tank is everything I wanted it to be.  Jay and I use it often.  Mike and Nick, not so much. It's been easy to clean and I've been devoted to cleaning it daily which given the size of the tank takes me all of 5 minutes.  Sometimes during my lunch break I'll go out and float for 30 minutes.  It's been good for my mental health and I'm truly thankful to my dear husband for being such a good sport about it!

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