Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Live With Boys!!!

Somehow and I don't know how it happened but Nick is actually my grossest boy in the house. Last night when I put him in the tub he immediately grabbed his you know what and peed all over me..........laughing hysterically. I did not find it funny. Tonight we went out for dinner and Nick belched loudly at the table. Then the other night I was giving Jay a spelling test and Nick kept yelling in the background.............."spell penis, Jay, spell penis." Nick also toots more than Mike and Jay combined. I will say he promptly says his usual..........."Cuse me" when he does this but it's constant and heaven forbid I flush the toliet before Nick has a chance to inspect his poop. Mike, Jay and Nick spend their life in this house being disgusting. Don't get me wrong, I truly love my boys and all their grossness but sometimes it gets to be a little much.

PS: It's hard to stay upset with Nick for too long. As I'm writing this he just came up to me and cuddled against me and said, "I love you, mom." It makes all his disgusting habits a little less disgusting when he does those things.


The Stille's said...

Thats my boy... he makes me so proud.

Steph said...

Too funny. :) Hope you're feeling better and see you tomorrow!!!