Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What a day

It was a gorgeous February day. However, it was so warm that the pavement was wet and muddy which is a perfect day to wear cream pants. KNOT! As soon as I made the long walk from the parking lot into work this morning I regretted my decision and kicking myself because I knew wearing cream on a day like today was a bad idea but I did it anyway. Even at age 34 I continue to learn things the hard way. I realized that if I didn't get my pants washed soon they would be permanently stained and I love my cream pants. Luckily, my co-worker and good friend, Jen, lives close to the office. We jumped in my van, drove to her house and washed my pants. She got me a pair of her jeans to wear which made me feel pretty good because that girl is a stick. Of course they were some of her bigger jeans but I didn't care. I just wanted everyone to know that I was wearing Jen's jeans!! We sat down and ate our oatmeal and watched the TODAY show while my pants washed. Needless to say it was very tempting to just hang out at Jen's house all day but we got back to work and the stains in my cream pants came out. Tomorrow is a new day.

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