Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday Morning Exhaustion

It never fails, every Saturday morning Jay is up earlier than he would have to get up for school (6:30). Of course on school mornings I have to wake him but on Saturdays the boy is up rip roaring ready to go. He has always been that way. It has never mattered what time Jay goes to bed, he still gets up early. Nick, on the other hand, will actually sleep in on a Saturday. This particular Saturday neither of them slept in. Mike and I awoke this morning to hear the chilling sounds from Jay's halloween flash-light and after we awoke to that noise we opened our eyes just in time as Jay threw it across our bed landing right in Mike's "family jewels." He was trying to be funny but needless to say we didn't find it so funny but he got our attention, we were wide awake at that point. We are always exhausted on Saturday morning as I'm sure most parents are. Once I'm out of bed and I've had my coffee I'm good to go but the initial shock of Saturday mornings is always tough.

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