Thursday, February 26, 2009

This working mom thing is for the birds!!

I found out today that I have an interview tomorrow for a developmental opportunity in Public Affairs at my work. I am excited about this but I have no time to prepare for it and I have not had an interview in over 8 years. Then to make matters even "better" I found out I have to do a "write up" to prove my written skills after the interview. To say I am nervous is an understatement. However, that being said, I am very happy in my current job and I'm just happy to have a safe & secure job right now.
On my way home from work I had to stop at Sam's and pick up some food. I came home, got dinner ready, fed my family & cleaned up the kitchen. I literally have 5 minutes to write this blog (I know what my mother is thinking...if you have that much to do, why are you writing your blog?) and then get cookies out of the oven. Then I have to find things in the house that start with the letter "Z" for daycare for Nick tomorrow. Then it's off to baths, story time and bed time. After that is over, I will need to pack over night bags for the boys because they are spending the night with their grandparents tomorrow night. After they go to bed, I will finally be sitting down and reviewing material for my interview tomorrow.
When I leave work tomorrow the biggest decision I will have to make is whether I want white or red wine. Ugh!

1 comment:

The Stille's said...

we don't have to know what mom is thinking she usually tells us anyway (ha ha just kidding mom love ya)