Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Wonderful Day

Jay has been complaining of a sore throat for a couple of days. This morning he was really complaining so although he did not have a fever I kept him home. Nick went about his usual routine and went to daycare so it's just been Jay & I all day which never happens. It has been such a wonderful day. I want to stop time for a short while because my son is growing way too fast. We spent the morning playing the game "Memory." We read Curious George books and Jay watched "WALLE" before lunch. After lunch we put together four jigsaw puzzles. I really hate puzzles. It's amazing to me what we as parents will do for our children. I sat down with Jay and together we worked about 1 hour putting all these puzzles together. He would occassionaly "sweat me" that I wasn't do my part by not finding enough of the pieces. What surprised me is I actually enjoyed doing it with Jay and what surprised me even more is I wasn't half bad at it (like I thought I was). I will have to go back to work tomorrow as Jay will have to return to school but I sure enjoyed a nice and leisurely day with Jay.

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