Friday, July 31, 2009


I recently came to the conclusion that I have a problem (And to my friends who are reading this, Yes, I know there are several but I'm only addressing one of them in this blog) with M&M's but not just any M&M's, the peanut M&M's. It's like crack to me. Mike also likes them so I buy the enormous size bag at Sam's and tell my family that I bought it for daddy but secretly I know it's my opportunity to snarf them down at any given time. That is the problem with those things, they are so small (but yet oh, so good) that I seem to suck them down as fast as an elephant sucks peanuts and before I know it I've consumed 1000 calories in M&M's alone. So, if you notice I have a little more junk in my trunk, it's because of those blasted M&M's that I can't get enough of!
As a side note, Mike can sit down after 9:00 at night and probably consume well over 1000 calories in M&M's with a huge glass of milk and never feel the effects of it. Ticks me off.


Christy Kelson said...

It's a guy thing to be able to do that. Rob is so that way also. Not fair!!!!

the cunningham family said...

I love peanut M&M's too. Can't get enough of them. Steve and I fight over them too. I think it might be crack too...