Saturday, July 11, 2009

Nick's Injuries

Yes, I'm devoting another blog to Nick's injuries. I'm sure I will forget some of the "injuries" Nick sustained this summer. I'll look back at this blog and have a good laugh someday. During Jay's baseball season Nick got a lot of stares from other parents. It was quite embarassing. He injuries included:
  • In June, he ran through our dining room window and cut his wrist (which is healing nicely).
  • His cheeks dry out and will turn red from sunscreen and chlorine so there were several practices where other parents asked me if Nick had a sun-burn. Ugh!
  • He fell off the bleachers twice during games, in front of other parents. The last time he fell off it was because I let go of his hand to walk around other parents and Nick cried........."Mom, why did you let go of my hand." Quite embarassing
  • Then just this week he got the MOTHER of all poison ivy all over his legs! If the look of having red spots all of his legs wasn't noticeable enough, his constant itching only adds to it.

Both my boys have no fear. The only difference is, Jay was a little more coordinated and could sometimes stop himself (granted sometimes it was stopping himself in mid-air) from getting hurt. Nick will just dive into something head first and see where he lands. What can I say, I live with two dare-devils!

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