Wednesday, August 18, 2010

3rd grade, here we come

Jay's first day of 3rd grade. He looks so old and grown up to me but I know next year when I post his picture on the first day of 4th grade that I'll say the same thing.
Brothers. Next year, Nick will enter Kindergarten and will be starting school on the exact same day as Jay. But Nick doesn't have too long to wait. He starts Prek on Monday, Aug. 23.
I had a small preview into the life of a junior high boy today. I had to pick up 2 junior high boys as a favor to a friend. When both boys got in the car I immediately said to them in my bright, sun-shiny voice, "Hey Guys, how was your day?" In unison and without hesitation both of them replied, "BORING!" Ha. I just had to laugh.
I am nervous about 3rd grade for Jay but then I'm always nervous at the beginning of the school year. School is really hard for him and September and October are always brutal months. I'm hoping football will help with some of the school frustrations. Thankfully Jay has an excellent teacher again this year. I'm sure he'll do just fine!


Christy Kelson said...

Love the top picture of Jay! Great smile!

The Stille's said...

could they be any cuter