Thursday, August 19, 2010

Oh how the tide turns

I often notice that when one of my children is driving me crazy, the other one isn't. The Lord really doesn't give you more than you can handle! It's completely random too. Currently Jay is driving me crazy and Nick is nothing but smooth sailing which makes me laugh because I thought I was going to lose my mind with Nick all last year (Yes, we all "loved" age 3 with Nick). And while I was going crazy with Nick, Jay was a dream. It just makes sense that now the tables have turned. For example: Jay and Lauren have been thick as thieves since she was born. Nick, on the other hand, not so much. Nick and Lauren haven't always gotten along but wha-la, suddenly Nick is all about Lauren and Lauren is really liking it! Last night Lauren came over and Nick didn't have a chance to give her a hug when she left. After she was long gone, he started crying. My other son (who was always Lauren't biggest fan) acts half annoyed with her now -What the??? Today Nick cuddled up next to me and wrapped his arms around me and kissed up all the way up my arm, told me I was the best mom ever and if he had a favorite giraffie I would be it. Once again, What the??? I'm completely baffled. For now I'll just suck the life out of Nick. Ha! The tide will turn, give it time, I'm sure I'll be blogging about something sweet Jay has said or done (although tonight, I got nothing) and something obnxious Nick has done.

1 comment:

The Stille's said...

our sweet little nick....Im so glad he came back to us