Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bedtime blahs

For about a month now Jay has had a really hard time settling down at bedtime. I really don't know what is going on with him. Both my kids have never had an issue at bedtime - I always joke that they zap every ounce of energy I have during the day that when bedtime rolls around, I've paid my dues and thankfully they both go to bed great. Jay has a really hard time with transitions and the start of school stresses him out so perhaps that is the problem but he's complained of his legs hurting a lot lately - Growing pains! Last night I put Jay to bed and when I went to check on him at 10:30 (which is way past my bedtime) he was in his closet, wrapped up in his sheets like a cacoon. But the real kicker is he had taken every last shirt in his closet off the hangers and made a "bed" with his clothes! It was like a bomb of clothing had exploded all over his closet and a big giant caterpillar had laid his home on them. Jay is really learning the definition of consequences these days so even though it was 10:30 I woke him up and he had to hang up all his shirts - and Yes, I did end up helping him as I didn't want to be up one second longer. By the time we finished it was 10:45 and his gerbils had kicked it into high gear. It was like they were building their own gerbil city, they were so loud. Jay was wide awake at that point and was complaining that his gerbils were preventing him from falling back to sleep. The problem solver that I am (I mean that sarcastically) I slid the cage out into the hallway. At 11:00 I finally got into bed. Mike and I laid our heads down on our pillows when we heard the gerbils in full force building their city. We listened to this nonsense for a few minutes - realzing we were never going to fall asleep. I trudged out of bed, headed back upstairs and moved the gerbils into Jay's room - where he was finally sleeping peacefully! Needless to say, it can only get better tonight.


The Stille's said...

crack me up

Katie said...

Laughed through this whole post!!!