Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Summertime Memories

I work for a company that provides their employees with an awesome water park!! It is a HUGE benefit. The boys and I don't use it quite as often as we would like because we live out of town but we have used it more this summer than last summer. We really enjoy it. This water park has a vantastic dining area where you can order hot food at very reasonable prices. We tend to always eat our meals right at the park. Last night I took the boys and we ordered our dinner. As we waited there was a Disney movie playing in the dining area. The boys were hooked and I was relieved not to have to corral them while we waited for our food. However, something did occur to me. My boys were watching T.V. at a pool in an air conditioned dining area while we waited for our hot dinner. What the??? I remember when I was a kid my friend, Melissa, and I would ride our bikes to the pool. We'd listen to the 80's music and swim until our hearts were content (taking the 15 minute breaks every hour, of course). Sometimes, if we were lucky we would get a snack. We would wait in the small, hot concession area in a long line and get crappy cotton candy but we didn't know the difference. Perhaps my summertime pool memories might difference from Jay and Nick's someday, one thing is certain, all of us LOVE spending time at the pool! The boys will just remember their hot fudge sundae's from the water park and I remember the crappy cotton candy.

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