Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Poison what?

Any woman who lives in a household of boys will appreciate this story. We live in a wooded area and to my boys there is nothing better than going out in the woods with their dad to cut down trees. Whenever they do this manly-man task they always wear long pants and shirts (no matter how hot it is) to prevent being exposed to poison ivy but it never fails, they always get some funky rash! Last summer Nick got the mother-load of poison ivy - I'm not kidding - he looked like he had a bad case of leprosy. This year is no different except now all three of my boys (Yes, that includes my husband) have poison ivy (Nick), poison sumac (Mike) and Jay has something that I can't put a name on, I can only describe what he looks like - a teenager at the start of puberty with puffy eyes. How all three of them ended up with their dreaded rashes (after being in full gear) I'll never know. However, these past two weeks I've had my fill of it. I've had the "pleasure" of watching Mike's leg ooze from the sumac, taking Nick to the doctor for treatment and learning that he's obsessed with rubbing calamine lotion all over a particular body part - even though the poison ivy didn't spread to that area - Nick is proving to be another typical boy, infatuated with his you know what. And to top it off, Jay's unknown rash has spread to his forehead and tummy but doesn't itch - And to think those boys give me a hard time for not helping them when they cut down trees - Who would take care of their funky rashes if I also got poison ivy or worse yet, poison sumac? Cutting down trees and applying ointment to myself is not my idea of a good time. Hee, Hee.

1 comment:

Katie said...

HAHAHAHA about Nick's obsession with the calamine lotion and "the part." LOVE it! Sorry you have to deal with your men and their rashes; my Jay gets poison ivy if you mention the word. He currently has it all over, we think from a traffic stop he made in Towanda. I keep teasing him that he looks like the scene from the movie, "Hitch" when Will Smith is allergic to the shellfish. His eye is all puffed up and looks like a deformity. Hope everyone gets back to normal soon! I am itchy just thinking about it.