Thursday, February 3, 2011

Good Riddance January

Before I can blog all the "good" stuff I have to blog the bad stuff. I thought about calling this blog several different titles that ranged from month from hell, challenging times, blizzard "fun," etc.....all in all January 2011 has not been a good month. Here are some highlights:
*Jay broke his finger Jan. 5
*Jay's finger was infected by Jan. 8 - Remember the E.R. visit blog?
*Work was extremely stressful - the most stressful month I can ever remember in my 15 year career.
*Jay had surgery on Jan. 27 and stayed 2 nights in the hospital
*Doctor visits, doctor visits, doctor visits - again the most I can ever remember in 9 years since I've had Jay.
*My sister went into pre-term labor on Jan. 27. As I'm blogging today she is at home on total bed rest, feeling miserable
*A blizzard blew through our area on Feb. 1 dumping a foot of snow. We lost power for 24 hours and for about a 2 hour time period Mike and Jay were out in the blizzard and couldn't get home - more on that later.
I know the Lord never gives you more than you can handle and we handled it all but I have a few more gray hairs than I did in December. It's been a rough month on Jay too. I've found third grade in general to be very challenging with him. I have felt such a disconnect with him. Mike has had to remind me that Jay is at an age where he knows he still needs/wants his mom but doesn't think it's cool to - does that make sense? I really enjoyed the time I spent with Jay while he was in the hospital because he didn't play the "my mom is so lame" card. I know I just have to patient with him and remember he's 9! He's throws me a bone every so often so at about the time I feel like he truly hates me and will be in adult counseling discussing me (ha) I'll remember he's still my little boy and still needs me. His hospitalization was a prime example but what happened yesterday was another. Mike took the boys grocery shopping. When I got off work I decided to meet the boys at the grocery store but they didn't know I was coming. I turned a corner and they were down the aisle. As soon as they saw me they both took off running and embraced me in a huge hug - even Jay! Watching your kids get older is truly bittersweet. As long as he keeps throwing me that bone every so often then I'll keep keeping on and praying for a better February!

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