Saturday, February 5, 2011

Nick and his animals

Since some of my blogs have been kind of "deep" lately I wanted to post/blog a "lighter/fun" blog. The picture above is of Nick, hanging with all his animals, watching a DVD on our portable player. Why he choose to set up shop right in front of our door in the dead of winter I'll never know but he was happy enough. He loves setting up "forts." Of course setting them up is no problem, it's when we ask him to take them down and put his stuff away he acts like he isn't capable of doing it - does anyone else have this problem with their kids?
Also, do you like my new blog set up? I got it through DesignerBlogs. They were wonderful. In fact it was a blog I should have been able to set up myself but Oh No! When I do these things Mike likes to ask me, "Is it a I.D. 10 T error, Amy?" In other words, IDIOT error! Being technologically challenged I needed help and they helped me out and got me set up. Hope you like the new design.

1 comment:

Nathan and Megan said...

OMGosh I LOVE your new Blog look! It's adorable! Way to go girly, yet boyish for the kids. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!