Since my last blog was basically a rant I decided to change gears for this blog. I actually had this cute blog all thought up in my head but clearly I was too much of a grouch to write about it so here goes. During the Mother's Day church service our minister said the beautiful thing about mothers is they know what special gifts and talents their children possess before the child has any idea of what those talents are. It was my ah-ha moment because it's so true. I was a strong willed child (I know, hard to believe but true) and my mom has said she recognized it and used it to my advantage. She knew what I was capable of achieving, it was just a matter of gently guiding me (and trust me with a strong willed child you don't push but gently guide) in the right direction. Jay and Nick have so many special qualities/talents but if I were to name one talent that really shines for each of them, with Jay it would be his physical strength/ability and with that comes Jay's willingness to work hard at everything he does, there isn't a lazy bone in Jay's body. With Nick, I'd say it's his extroverted nature, his ability to make a conversation with anyone and everyone and find the humor in everything. When I was pondering these two qualities in each of my boys it occurred to me I live with Bear Grylls and Larry the cable guy. I mean seriously, Jay is Bear Grylls, the survivor who can be dropped by a helicoptor in a desert and has to make his way to water, food, land, etc....he problem solves, is one with nature and is determined to get to the end result - being rescued. Anyone who knows and loves Jay knows this describes him perfectly. I'm seriously thinking of writing the Discovery channel to see if Bear could possibly take along a 9 year old side kick sometime. Ha, only kidding. On the flip side, Nick is Larry the cable guy. Have you seen his new show, "Only In America," on the History channel? If not, I highly recommend it, it's hilarious! He travels all around America, talking to everyone, making jokes and just being amazed at everything America has to offer. During one show he went to the smallest town in America - some town in Nebraska, population one. Anyway, he organized this huge cookout, invited folks from neighboring towns and spoke to everyone. During another episode he dressed up in a Mermaid costume and swam with "Mermaids." During all of his shows he is laughing and just having a good time with people. So even though my Mother's Day might have stunk, I'm so over it now, afterall I have Bear Grylls and Larry the cable guy to entertain me!