Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday adventures

Recently I heard a radio broadcaster say she thought Sunday mornings were the most stressful mornings of the week. I wholeheartedly agree and when you read about my Sunday morning adventure, you'll agree too. The boys and I went to church this morning and they didn't complain - that should have been my first clue that things were going to go terribly bad. As we were walking out the door Jay asked if he and Nick could have suckers on the drive to church. I agreed and out the door we went. We were late to church but we took our seats and not 5 minutes into the service Nick announced, "Mom, I have to take a turd." Keep in mind Nick does not know what an inside voice is. I scold Nick for his rude remark and we head to the bathroom. When we return I notice Jay is pulling gum out his braces! Apparently the sucker he choose had gum in it too. Children's time arrives (and Jay is still picking the gum out of his braces) and Nick particpates. The message is about following God's road and the minister asked a mother in the congregation if she had ever gotten lost while driving and the mother replied that Yes, sometimes she did get lost. That's when Nick said in his booming voice, "Well then you need to get a GPS!" The end of the children's message ended with Nick telling everyone that cars aren't meant for dirt roads, fourwheelers and dirt bikes are meant for dirt roads. Nick went to Sunday school and Jay and I settled into hearing the sermon. We had a substitute minister today who just happened to deliver her message right in the middle of the aisle, about 2 feet from us. About 5 minutes into the sermon Nick came up from Sunday school crying hysterically. When it became clear he was not going to settle down I took him out of the service. When he finally stopped crying he said he had tripped (He is so my child in this regard) and hit his ear. I got him settled down enough to return to the service and thankfully the minister finished her sermon so I grabbed Jay and hi-tailed it outta there. Some mornings are just like that!

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