Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Aunt Mimi ROCKS

My sister so out does me in the aunt department. To be fair to me, I had two kids by the time Lauren came along so I was not able to devote as much time to her as Kim did to Jay and Nick in their earlier years. But the thing is she still puts me to shame and she has two kids now!!! Where did I go wrong? I got Nick this penguin kit for his birthday. I'm embarassed to admit this but he's been asking me to help him work on it since I got it for him and there was never enough time to sit down and just do it but never fear, Aunt Mimi was there! She came over for dinner on Sunday night and Nick asked her to do the project with him. She passed Lukie off to me and Nick and his Aunt Mimi sat at our dining room table working on his penguin project. And my sister does all this with very little sleep. It made me feel guilty that I had been "too busy." Nick loved the time with Aunt Mimi and I loved watching them. Aunt Mimi, you're the best!!!

1 comment:

The Stille's said...

Let me remind you that You were carrying around my baby and fixing me and my other kid dinner!!! But I love being able to do that stuff with nick wish I could do more..as i know you wish you could too.