Friday, July 8, 2011

I am thankful................

Okay here's a painfully honest blog. Lately I've been thankful when Nick falls asleep at night.  As I look at this sweet boy it's hard to believe he spends many of his days (lately) complaining & being down right disagreeable but trust me, he is something else these days.  I told my mom the other day that I was quite nervous about him going to Kindergarten because I was afraid his teacher wouldn't appreciate................and I paused.  My mom finished my sentence by saying......"a teacher won't appreciate his Nick-Ness!"  Yes, that is a perfect way to say it, Nick and his NickNess!  Oh boy!  There is no one in our household who can make you laugh more than Nick, he's so loving and he has the best expressions of anyone but there is another side of Nick that drives you crazy.  As is usually the case I know this is a phase.  I'm just hoping it passes before August 18. 

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