Friday, July 22, 2011

I am thankful.....

For my health and the health of my family.  Often times I take my health for granted.  I stay focused on those 15 lbs I need to lose but this morning I really got "real" with myself.  I took a nice, long brisk walk around my neighborhood and I realized I'm so blessed to be able to get up and move my body without everything hurting or being sick.  Thank you Jesus for the body you gave me.  I promise I'll keep moving it. 

1 comment:

Katie said...

Very good reminder, Amy, thanks! I tend to do the same thing; find all of the flaws. You are right, we are truly blessed to be healthy and able to run around with our boys. (Or walk ourselves to the fridge, grab a snack, and sit on the couch! Lol!)