Sunday, November 27, 2011

A big hienie and a balding head

I'm 37!  On December 19 Mike will be 39.  As a woman I really feel like I aged the most after age 35.  And Yes I know "the best is yet to come," but when you're in your twenties and early thirties you usually don't have any aging factors and then it kind of hits you like a freight train after age 35.  It's like an unwanted reality check.  This time of year doesn't really agree with me either.  My skin gets white and dry.  I tend to add a few pounds onto my exterior and it takes a whole lot of Clinique make up to get out the door.  The other day I was laying face down on my bed.  I probably looked like road kill but I was just resting before I went to my next task.  Jay walked in and said, "Mom, when you lay like that your butt looks huge!"  You gotta just love kids for telling you like it is!  Often times I've felt like the mom in "The Incredibles."  She was a super hero in her younger days and when she had to put her super hero uniform back on (after 3 kids) it fit but just barely.  I've mentioned in my blog that Mike is starting to lose his hair.  Well this weekend he shaved it all off and he's bald!  It takes a little getting use to but it really did confirm to me how much we love each other because him going bald didn't effect the way I see him one bit.  He's still the rock solid husband I've had for 13 years.  And he's never mentioned that my hienie is bigger than it once was.  Now that's true love at its finest.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Amy I love your posts!I am so behind in the blogging world. I was catching up tonight and laughing loudly about at least every other post of yours!! Love Nick's cuffed jeans and the "let 'er rip" incident, the communication modes, WT Christmas, and of course this one's title alone is hilarious. Your boys are getting so big! They are both so handsome.