Monday, February 20, 2012

Nothing like a mom

When one is sick, one tends to prefer to be taken care of by their mother.  At least I know that is true in my case.  I vividly remember my mom tucking me comfortably into her couch when I was on bed rest with Nick.  I lived with her for awhile since she lived so close to the hospital and I lived so far out in the boonies!  She cooked for me, ran errands for me and made sure I was always comfortable.  It was heaven!  I don't think you ever get too old to be taken care of by your mother.  Nick is sick with strep throat.  Today I was driving him to the doctor's office (for a diagnosis) and Jay was in the car with us.  Nick was crying because he remembered they stick that Q-tip down your throat to test for strep.  Then the conversation went like this:
Nick:"Curse you mom for taking me to the doctor, I wish you weren't taking care of me."
Me: "If I wasn't taking care of you, who would?"
Nick: "Dad"
Me:" Daddy would not take care of you like I take care of you."
Nick:"Yes he would."
Jay (who is Mike's biggest fan):"Ahhh No, Nick, not really!  Mom takes much better care of us." 

Sorry Mike - I get a big score in the sick department.  Mike earns point in the archery, gun, knife, four wheeler department everyday so I have to take the points from the sick department whenever I can get them!

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