Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's day with my 3 boys

 I attended Nick's V-day classroom party today.  The little girl below made the adorable Owl valentine.  I thought it was the cutest valentine.  Of course I tried to get a cute picture of Nick and K. but as you can see Nick was rather uncooperative.
So what's it like celebrating valentine's day with my 3 boys.  Well they spoil me rotten.  I woke up to hugs from both my boys.  My husband sent me flowers today.  Okay I'm fibbing big time but I just wanted to see what it felt like to at least write the words......spoil me rotten.  Last night I bought the boys a big valentine day chocolate chip cookie.  My husband loves them.  Just about the time he was ready to sit down and enjoy his Jay sliced his finger from whittling a stick in his room - again!  I was snuggled up in bed watching a movie when I heard the kitchen sink running and Mike saying, "How many times do we have to tell you to not whittle sticks in your room?"  Jay got a pretty good cut on the same finger he had surgery on 2 years ago.  Playing basketball this weekend should be interesting.  Then at one point during the evening Jay encouraged Mike to get me a Valentine's day gift.  Mike asked me if he should and if I wanted one.  Really Mike!  Personally I think Valentine's day is kind of a stupid holiday but every woman would like to be acknowledged in some small way.  Then to top it off Nick sat down and drew his dad a big Valentine's Day poster with I LOVE YOU, DAD in bright red - forgetting about me.  Bo-hoo.  Yes, I'm having a bit of a pity party.  I love my boys but they are boys.  Thoughtfulness does not come naturally to them.  Fortunately they are a work in progress and I have some pretty tough skin.  A good cosmopolitan will cure any broken heart I may have tonight.  Hee, Hee, only kidding......sorta.

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