Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What we're up to

 School is out......can you believe it?  I think we are the only school district in the entire country that lets out in mid-May.  It's ridiculous but ready or not, the boys are out of school.  It's always a bit of a transition (for Jay especially) and we really don't start our "normal" summer routine until June 2.  The boys have spent a lot of time fishing, biking and playing outside.  It's nice not be in the daily school routine but on the flip side my children thrive on structure so I still try to incorporate that during the summer months.  If I don't, it's usually a hot mess!
 Here's my happy go lucky, Nickel Pickel.  He's so delightful these days.  He's reading all the time and he's really improved with his manners.  Everything is please and thank you!
 And here's my other boy who is still wild about his dog!  Copper and Jay are thick as thieves.  She sleeps with him every night.
                                   Jay took this picture of Mike and I before church on Sunday.

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