Tuesday, May 28, 2013


We seem to be going through a season where everything is breaking which causes a lot of stress.  I try to take this all in stride and remember there are such bigger issues we could be dealing with.  Issues such as health scares, job losses, deaths, etc......  We are blessed as these are issues we haven't had to deal with yet.  Just in the past month these are the broken things we've had to deal with or make repairs to.

Our dryer broke May 3.  We have yet to get it repaired (don't ask).   We expect the cost of this repair to be around $500.

Our mower has broken down 3 times.  Mike repaired it with $400 - money always does the trick. 

We have a leaky roof and Mike can't figure out where it's coming from.  He even hired someone to come to a look at it and anyone who knows Mike knows he doesn't hire anyone - ever.  We have yet to figure this one out. 

Our sump pump got jammed and I got water in my office.  All is good now but ugh! 

Jay's 4 wheeler needed new breaks and Nick's 4 wheeler quit working - the least of all our problems but still something Mike had to add to his "to do" list.

Mike had a colonoscopy in April which our insurance company is refusing to pay for.  I think when it's all said and done they will agree to pay for it but it's an added stress right now that we didn't need.

I know there are people who would love have these problems and I so get that.  I really didn't make this list to complain but to remember.  I did laugh with Mike the other night that although everything in our house is breaking, we as a couple aren't broken - Ha!  And one day we'll look back and say, "Remember that spring when I was 39 and you were 40 and everything seemed to break down at once and look at us now.......we survived." 

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