Wednesday, September 10, 2014

XC, Jay & 7th grade

Okay so here's me being real.  Seventh grade is proving to not be quite as blissful with Jay as 6th grade.  Sixth grade was perhaps the honeymoon stage and that stage is over.  We are now into we've been married 7 years stage.  I'm finding there are lots of challenges with Jay these days.  Before I start naming these challenges, let me say I know I'm not alone & nothing Jay is doing or going through is out of the ordinary.  I'm sure every mother in America who is raising a 12 or 13 year old 7th grade boy feels my frustration.  First of all, Jay loved XC last year and did fairly well at it.  This year, not so much and the ironic part is this year he has a fabulous coach.  He complains about XC and he's running his 2 miles 3 minutes slower than last year which is fine but it bothers him and as with all kids if they don't feel successful in something, it's an uphill battle.  Then I also think he's grown so much his knees bother him. Plus his best buddy, his running partner, hasn't been to practice in weeks which really effects Jay and I can certainly understand that.  Jay has asked to quit the team which is course is unacceptable to Mike and I.  He started it, he'll finish it but it makes me sad to think he may not run next year.  Problem # 2 I'm having with him, his communication or lack thereof.  Mike and I find it really hard to get information out of him and even Mike feels this way which is telling you something because communication between father and son has been seamless, up until 7th grade.  It's not so much that Jay isn't telling us the important stuff (well he really isn't) but even the silly things like field trip info, friend stuff and just 7th grade daily in and outs, it's like we are talking to Charlie Brown's teacher.  Tonight is a rare night where all of us are home and we ate dinner together around the table - what a concept.  In the three hours we've been home together, I put my armor on in order to get homework accomplished with Nick, I read through Jay's texts wherein I found a girl (a nice one at that) asked him to the school dance.  Jay had never responded to her so that prompted a conversation between Mike and I and Jay about rudeness and communication.  Jay promptly then texted the girl back, apologized for not responding but said he wanted to go to the dance by himself which is all fine and dandy but geez, don't leave the girl hanging.  Then we had a friend issue with groups being assigned for an upcoming field trip and you guessed it, Jay said all of his friends are in groups (picked by each other) and he isn't in one of them.  It's been quite a drama filled night and I have boys for crying out loud.  My husband is working on our mower that has broken down one too many times, our roof leak is back and our A/C is broke.  What does all this have to do with my blog title about 7th grade?  Nothing really except this is real life, 7th grade and all. 

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