Wednesday, August 17, 2016

First day of high school and 5th grade

 And so another school year begins......Hallejah!  Physically I can't do a happy dance but picture me doing one today.  I've spent my day working and in between working I've elevated my leg.  I know that sounds so boring but the key is I've done all that in peace.  No fighting, no hearing the door slam 15 million times (no joke) from the boys going in and out of the house and no sulking (as each boys claimed "there was nothing to do" about 6 weeks ago).  But enough about me.  The boys seemed moderately pleased to start school.  People asked me if Jay was excited about starting high school.  Jay doesn't really get excited about anything (except four wheeling and eating meat) but he was ready and I have no doubt he'll be successful this year.  Nick was a wee bit nervous but he always seems to start off that way when school begins.  Nick compares everything to 3rd grade and there just isn't any comparison and that's hard for him to accept. 
 Jay looks a bit like the Jolly Green Giant in this picture.  He grew so much these past 6 months. 
                          And here's my spunky 5th grader, ready to take on student council. 
 Even though the Walsh's moved, they still live really close so we zipped over this morning to get our first day of school picture, like we have for the past 3 years.  Noah is going into 3rd and L. into first.

My friend, Erin, snapped this picture of the big boys (I refer to Jay's friends as the big boys, he "loves" that I do that).  What studs they are.  These 3 boys have been the best of friends since 2nd grade.  It warms my heart to see them together on their first day of high school. 

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